
Finally no more paper!
Since January 1st, 2023 you can submit your forms directly via your TUCaN account in the section service > forms. You can track the status of your forms and no longer have to wait for a postal response.

If you have finished your studies, need to interrupt them or wish to switch to another university, then please apply no later than 31 October/ 30 April to de-register when the current semester ends. You may find the de-registration form in TUCaN in the service > forms section.

We strongly recommend retaining student status until passing the final examination and applying for de-registration after grades have been awarded. The number of subject-related semesters and university semesters will not be specified on the certificate or grade transcripts.

Submission deadlines

By 30 April for de-registration at the end of the winter semester or by 31 October for de-registration at the end of the summer semester.

Following de-registration, your membership of TU Darmstadt will expire on the day specified in the form.

If you de-register retroactively (during 01.10.-31.10. / 01.04. – 30.04.) you may not register for exams for the following semester. The de-registration request will be denied in that case.

If you withdraw from your enrolment / re-registration in April for the summer semester or in October for the winter semester in accordance with ESO §19 (3,4), you will lose your student status in the current semester. This means that you are no longer entitled to use the Deutschland Semesterticket or the ticket on your student ID card to use local public transport.

After your application has been processed, you will receive proof of de-registration (“Exmatrikulationsbescheinigung”), available for download on your TUCaN Account under Service > my documents. This can also be provided as proof to pension providers. The proof of de-registration will not be sent to your postal address.

It is not possible to de-register retroactively after the deadlines.

Refunds of semester fees

If you are already re-registered for the following semester, you may be eligible for a refund. Please read the instructions of the form carefully and contact us in a timely manner if you have any questions. The form must be submitted on time, please refer to the deadlines above.

a) People who have submitted a new application and were therefore not enrolled at TU Darmstadt in the preceding semester can apply to revoke their new registration / admission up to one month after the beginning of the courses. If registration has already been completed successfully, a processing fee of 30 euros will be charged. This will be deducted automatically from the refundable semester fees. (HMWK administrative cost order dated 19.12.2013, no. 272 schedule of administrative fees).

People who have applied to change degree programmes, and who were therefore registered at TU Darmstadt in the preceding semester, are able to apply to withdraw from the process of changing degree programmes until 30 September (when changing degree programmes for the winter semester) or 31 March (when changing degree programmes for the summer semester).

b) In exceptional cases it is possible to apply for de-registration as of a specific effective date. In this case, your membership of TU Darmstadt ends on the day of application. Semester fees will NOT be refunded. Please also use the de-registration form in TUCaN service > forms.

Please note that you are no longer entitled to use the Deutschland Semesterticket after de-registration.

c) If you do not have access to TUCaN at the moment, you can certainly still submit a de-registration form. Please contact us and we will give you a paper version of the form.

More information can be obtained directly from the Student Service .

A forced expulsion from TU Darmstadt will occur automatically (officially) in the following circumstances:

  • Graduating from your degree program
  • Missing / incomplete payment of semester fees and administrative fees
  • Failure to comply with requirements associated with student health insurance
  • Definitive failure to pass a preliminary, interim or final examination (in this case you will receive prior notification from your Office for Student Affairs).

In principle, we recommend that students actively de-register.