Leave of Absence / Semester on Leave

Finally, no more paper!

Since August 1st, 2023, you can submit your forms directly via your TUCaN account in the section Service > Forms. You can track the status of your forms and no longer have to wait for a postal response.

If you are unable to attend courses at TU Darmstadt for a study-related reason (e.g. overseas stay, work placement) or are unable to attend a specific semester for appropriate personal reasons, there is the possibility of taking a leave of absence (see reasons for taking a leave of absence).

We recommend submitting your application promptly, if possible by the end of February or the end of August for the subsequent semester. This will ensure that you receive your student documentation containing the relevant information about the leave of absence in good time before the start of the semester on leave. If you need to apply for a leave of absence for a current semester, the application must be submitted at the latest by 30 September for the summer semester and by 31 March for the winter semester. It is not possible to take a leave of absence retroactively for a finished semester. Applications made after 30 September for the summer semester and after 31 March for the winter semester will be rejected regardless of the reasons.

The full semester fees are due even for a semester on leave and must be credited to TU Darmstadt's account within the re-registration period . It is possible to obtain a partial refund for the semester ticket as applicable. The students' union (AStA transport department) is responsible for this.

Please ensure that you read the information below regarding the reasons for (and consequences of) taking a leave of absence. Please also note that part-time study is an option for certain degree programmes.

BAföG entitlement in Leave of Absence

Attention – In certain cases, a leave of absence can affect your BAföG entitlement or your student loan. For example, repayments may be due if you submit your application for leave of absence late in the semester. For more information, please visit the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Website Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung) Read more

The following reasons may be cause for taking a leave of absence according to §18 Einschreibeordnung of TU Darmstadt. Please read the information in the form carefully.
Reason for Leave of Absence Proof Maximum Duration
Illness Certificate of the expected duration of the illness must be enclosed; the certificate should cover the majority of the lecture period. 6 Semesters
Family Care a medical certificate detailing the need for care of the person to be cared for and the expected duration of the care must be submitted. 6 Semesters
Maternity Leave/Parental Leave (Erziehungszeiten)
  • Scan of maternity passport showing at least your name and the (expected) date of birth of the child or
  • Scan of birth certificate
6 Semesters per child
Internship in Germany Internship contract or confirmation from employer 2 Semesters
Overseas stay Letter of Acceptance in English from the partner university 2 Semesters
Internship abroad Internship Contract (English) 2 Semesters
Interruption of Studies for the purpose of Financing (incl. Start-Ups) Employment contract or a confirmation from your employer 2 Semesters
Appointed or Elected Representative in the Academic or
Student Self Administration
Certificate from the elective office or chairperson of the respective body about your membership, the period of time, as well as note about the significant time commitment 6 Semesters
Sports Participation on the Federal Level Certificate of the corresponding association 2 Semesters
Conscription Military Service conscription notice (English) 2 Semesters
Voluntary Service Employment contract or a confirmation from your employer 2 Semesters
  • Taking a leave of absence typically precludes you from obtaining credits and sitting examinations.
    • Maternity/parental leave in accordance with Section 15 of the German federal law on family allowance and parental leave
    • Caring for a relative requiring care according to a medical certificate
    • Working as a nominated/elected representative on the academic administration or Student Government
    • Overseas stay
    • Internship abroad
    • Internship in Germany
    • Retake of a failed examination
  • Ongoing examination deadlines are not affected or extended by taking a semester on leave. If you have any questions about this, please contact the relevant Office for Student Affairs .
  • You can participate in the university's self-administration but your active right to vote is suspended.
  • A leave of absence in the first subject-related semester is possible for the following reasons by way of exception:
    • Sickness
    • mMaternity / parental leave
    • Caring for a relative who requires care according to a medical certificate
    • Course-related work placement
  • It is not possible to take a leave of absence retroactively for a finished semester.
  • Semesters on leave do not count as subject-related semesters.

The number of subject-related semesters or semesters on leave may have an effect on:

  • BAföG funding (student loans and grants under the German federal training assistance act)
  • Family allowance
  • Duration of student health insurance
  • Scholarships/funding programmes

More detailed information is available from the relevant bodies: student loan/grants office, family allowance fund, health insurance provider, scholarship foundation / funding provider