Ingenieurwissenschaften und Mechanik
Bachelor of Science; tuition language: German
The following English language content is for information purposes only. The legally binding content can be found on the corresponding German website.
The programme Ingenieurwissenschaften und Mechanik builds bridges between physics, mathematics, and engineering. It is a field that plays an important role in current developments in the different varieties of scientific and technical areas. To name a few examples: crash behavior of motorised vehicles, flying airplanes, space travel, skiing, behavior of modern implants in the human body, air flow (auto body, weather), structural behaviour (houses, bridges, buildings,…), different manufacturing processes, undesirable noise generation, nanotechnology, etc.
To ensure the success of the students in the programme, there are two instruments:
a) Orientierende Eingangsphase (orienting introductory phase), and
b) (orientation modules) in the first year of study according to three Orientierungsmodule (General Examination Regulations) of TU Darmstadt. § 3a (7) der Allgemeinen Prüfungsbestimmungen
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for selecting a course of study Online Self-Assessment
Podcast “fuTUre students”
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Come and see, touch and feel, meet and greet:
(orientation event) hobit: Hochschul- und Berufsinformationstage in Darmstadt
University visits, labs, internships, and more
Orientation after enrolment:
Orientation programme “navigatING”
(for the programmes B.Sc. Bauingenieurwesen, B.Sc. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik; B.Sc. Maschinenbau – Sustainable Engineering; B.Sc. Umweltingenieurwissenschaften)
Perspectives on careers:
Career guidings with the #studentsofTUdarmstadt
TU Darmstadt Career Service