Early Arrivals – Youth Hostels or Hotels in Darmstadt
Here you will find information about accommodation for the first few days in Darmstadt.
International students who arrive in Darmstadt and who do not yet have a place to stay can spend the first few days in a hotel or in a youth hostel.
Exchange students who come to Darmstadt within the framework of an exchange programme and who arrive in Darmstadt outside of our business hours or earlier than the specified dates will have to arrange alternative accommodation for the first few days. The most affordable option may be a hostel.
Darmstadt Youth Hoste (“”) Jugendherberge am Woog
Landgraf-Georg-Strasse 119
+49 (0)6151 45293
Please make reservations for the hostel at least six weeks ahead of time!
There are also several inexpensive hotels in the city centre within walking distance from Luisenplatz.
Further information about can be found here. overnight accommodation