Lehramt an Gymnasien – Erstes Staatsexamen; tuition language: German
The following English language content is for information purposes only. The legally binding content can be found on the corresponding German website.
Subject Studies
Biology is characterised by tremendous technical dynamics and variety. Apart from the classical areas of specialisation of Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Genetics, Physiology, and Ecology, there are numerous related disciplines such Biochemistry, Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, Bioengineering, and Bioethics. The programme offers an overview of the various disciplines of biology and teaches the fundamentals of the subject (e.g. Structure and Function of Organisms; Cellular Biology; Ecology and Evolution; Development and Human Biology).
As teaching biological interrelations in schools requires solid knowledge of chemistry and physics, those students who have not chosen Chemistry as their additional academic subject must complete a supplementary Chemistry/Physics module.
Subject-related Didactics
Throughout several semesters, the students are continuously taught the methodological fundamentals of good biology lessons in the the modules of Subject-related Didactics. These skills are directly applied in the Practical Semester and are enhanced throughout additional methodological components of the programme.
Study Regulations with Semester Course and Examination Schedule
At first hand: A student's perspective
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Possible from (almost) everywhere:
for selecting a course of study Online Self-Assessment
Podcast “fuTUre students”
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Come and see, touch and feel, meet and greet:
(orientation event) hobit: Hochschul- und Berufsinformationstage in Darmstadt
University visits, labs, internships, and more
Perspectives on careers:
Career counselling for prospective teachers
Career guidings with the #studentsofTUdarmstadt
TU Darmstadt Career Service